
Welcome everyone on my recently new designed website. Here you will get to know my last projects, updated on my photography and more ...

If you have any questions, requests or further matters don't hesitate to contact me.

Recent Activity

Here you find my recent activities and projects on one view. Enjoy!







New Article: Embarras de choix

Here you will find a list of the basics of how to life a healthier life. Want to know more about this important topic? Click here.

  • Water & Vitamins

    Drink enough water, every adult should drink 2 litre of water or fluids every day. Keep away from soft drinks they appease thirst just temporarily, try water. Consume regularly fruits and vegetables, 6-8 hands full of fresh fruits and vegetables are recommended by the WHO.

  • Sport & Exercising

    Exercise or do some sports, intervals training is the perfect boost. At least keep moving 30 minutes each day, and if it is just a walk outside.

  • Sleep & Bedtime

    Sufficient sleep is important that your body feels fit for the day. Experts recommend 7-8 hours of sleep as an average and don't eat anything in the 2 hours before you go to sleep.

Media and Digital Design

Media and Digital design is my personal hobby. I already hosted a couple of successful event for example the Conference of the British Association of Chiropractic Students in February 2018. So if you'd like to start as an entrepreneur or create your own startup and you are still looking for a professional and easy to handle website? Than this is the right place for you. Read more.